Olin Quad, Melbourne FL Campus
Most Valuable Panther Program

The Most Valuable Panther (MVP) program recognizes employees who embody the university’s standards for innovation as demonstrated by their passion, dedication, and excellent service.

Florida Tech’s MVP Winner - January 2025

Photo of Michelle Novak - MVP Winner Jan 2025

Michelle joined the dining management team in 2015 and has spent the last 10 years providing a quality atmosphere for students and employees alike at Panther Dining Hall and Panther Grocery. She is the creative force behind many Campus Dining events including the Global Kitchen series, Thanksgiving lunch and the President's Holiday Party. She coordinates with dining employees and students to transform the dining area into an elegant reception hall, a cozy family eating get together, and even Paris (complete with Eiffel tower!) Michelle has also used her creative talents to build a uniquely diverse student grocery store, winning the Loyal E. Horton Dining Award (Silver) from the National Association of College & University Food Services (NACUFS) in June. The increased sales prove the students love it as well.

In addition, Michelle has created and launched an employee development program called Empowering Women in Culinary that focuses on the strategic development of our female culinarians on campus. Alongside digital training opportunities, EWC provides unique culinary classes to broaden skill sets including sushi rolling and the art of charcuterie led in part by other female industry leaders and adding considerable value to the new program.

Michelle's endless energy is contagious, representing Campus Dining on the Staff Advisory committee and the NACUFS national marketing committee and Florida Tech, specifically Campus Dining. For these reasons and more, Michelle Novak is our MVP.

MVP Award Criteria

A nominee for the MVP award may be a full- or part-time employee and meet these basic requirements in order to be eligible:

  • Must have been employed at Florida Tech for no less than one full year
  • Cannot have been selected as MVP within the prior 12 months
  • Has no documented corrective action on file with HR within the past six months

Any eligible employee may be nominated more than once, however, will only be eligible to win the award once within a twelve (12) month period.

To be considered, a nominee must have demonstrated extraordinary service to the university during the 60 days prior to their nomination. Examples of contributions that may warrant MVP honors include:

  • An outstanding accomplishment with significant benefit to the Florida Tech community
  • Extraordinary service to colleagues and/or external community members
  • Demonstrating exceptional leadership and/or initiative
  • Exemplary efforts to nurture a climate of care, concern and civility
  • Creative innovations to service, process, or work tools
  • Exhibiting and modeling a relentlessly positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers and customers
  • Extraordinary commitment to quality
  • Taking initiative and embracing responsibilities beyond regular job assignments

MVP Award Nomination Procedure

Nominations may be made by anyone with an active affiliation with the university (i.e. staff, faculty, administrator, student worker). The nominator does not have to be the nominee's supervisor or superior; however, the nominator must have direct knowledge of the employee’s contributions.

  1. Complete the MVP nomination form
  2. Submit to MVP nominating committee by the 15th day of the month

MVP Selection Committee and Process

The vice president of human resources makes the initial appointment of MVP Committee members.

  1. The MVP reviews nominations and selects a monthly winner based on the aforementioned criteria. (If a committee member is nominated, they will be excused from voting that month.)
  2. Nominees are evaluated using a point system, and the highest scoring nominee wins. In the case of a tie, one name from among the highest scorers will be drawn at random to determine a winner.
  3. The MVP Committee has the right to verify nomination materials with the nominee’s supervisor.
  4. Nominees who do not receive the award for the month in which they have been nominated do not remain in the nomination pool, but they may be nominated again for reconsideration.

MVP Award Benefits

The MVP of any given month wins:

  • A designated MVP parking space for the month during normal business hours
  • A short write-up recognizing the MVP in the Florida Tech Weekly enewsletter